Design Nathalie Schellekens

Studio ONS

Studio ONS' designs are unconventional and optimistic. Products with character that put a smile on your face. They are recognisable but slightly different, unconventional and iconic.

Studio ONS (Design Nathalie Schellekens) was founded in 2006 and since then, Nathalie Schellekens has been designing products from Eindhoven for various international brands. She has also designed interiors and outdoor spaces for various housing corporations, hotels, companies and municipalities. Nathalie likes perfection, but not too perfect. Her products are flexible. They invite you to fantasise and experiment, to make it your own.

For me, a design is only complete together with the user. When people feel a connection with an object, are proud of it, cherish it and share its story, only then do I consider it successful.

Nathalie Schellekens
The Studio ONS collection